Disgraceful! Church of Nigeria members hold drunken after-service gathering
May 21, 2023 - Shocking photos, videos, and social media posts show Church of Nigeria members calling themselves “Igbo Anglican Foundation” holding post-service “fellowships” in New Jersey that can only be described as an inebriated festival of debauchery and vice. The moral depravity these Church of Nigeria members exhibit includes excessive drinking, blasphemous cursing, and same-sex grind dancing upon each other, which leads one to ask, “Where is the Church leadership in all of this?” Even more shocking is that these drinking parties are EVEN TAKING PLACE IN THE CHURCH BUILDING AFTER SERVICE.
The public ministry and witness of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) and the Gospel of Jesus Christ are being repeatedly impugned by the ongoing blasphemous and evil behavior.
However, the Igbo group asserts that they have the full support of their Bishop, The Rt Rev’d Nathan C. O. Kanu, Bishop, Diocese of Aba Ngwa North, Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) Interim Coordinating Bishop, Church of Nigeria North America Mission (CONNAM) and The Most Rev'd Henry C. Ndukuba, MA, BD, MA (Ed.), D, Archbishop, Metropolitan & Primate of All Nigeria.
Faithful Christians are asking how long will the House of Bishops in the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) allow this group of Igbo miscreants in New Jersey to defame our church publicly through their ungodly actions. Why are their Bishop and our Archbishop so silent? How effective can the Primate of All Nigeria be when he can’t even get 20 Igbo Church members to behave like Christians? Perhaps their silence is because they do not know what is commonly seen on social media. One can only pray that order and holiness are soon restored and the people who have become so misguided can repent.